FutureCarbon4 - Assessing the potential of Saltbush to Sequester Carbon in WA Southwest

This innovative project is investigating the potential of saltbush to sequester carbon in the Wheatbelt, potentially playing a role in the region’s goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The project compares new saltbush plantings to long-established plantings (greater than 15 years old) testing the impact of species choice, planting method and planting density on carbon sequestration.

The sites are being managed by Corrigin Farm Improvement Group and Facey Groups, with Murdoch University undertaking detailed assessments to determine the levels of carbon storage and feasibility of proposing a new methodology of carbon accounting.

For the latest update, check it out in our news here: Murdoch crunch carbon data for saltbush — Wheatbelt NRM

* This project is funded by The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s  Western Australian Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program and concludes April 2029.



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Owner & Website Designer of Knee Coal, formerly Killer Aesthetic. Polished yet authentic web designs for edgy boutique brands that want to build long-lasting emotional connections with their ideal customers. We have been uplifting over 265+ premium brands since 2010. We attribute our continued success to our belief that good design is achieved by a highly considered plan, a deep understanding of design principles and behavioural psychology.


Corella Management Project


Collaborative Catchment Approach to Wheatbelt Regenerative Agricultural Practices.